ECM Portal Intranet / Extranet


Entreprise Content Management (ECM)

Manage your Intranet and Extranet platform in a single interface

Stay connected and communicate with your customers, collaborators, distributors and partners to ensure a successful growth.

Enterprise content management software builds collaborative intranet and extranet platforms without coding or IT development.

These platforms will engage your community within a single network: user club, franchise network, professional group or corporate social network. Involve members of your community around your value proposition and offer targeted services through a set of features. This will allow you to better understand your customer’s needs, retain their information and support them in a unique dynamic environment.

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Moovapps offers a complete and integrated collaborative suite.

• Business Process Management (Quality, Finance, HR, Customer Service, IT and more)
• Document Management
• Dematerialization
• Content management : Intranet and Extranet

Created for managers, Moovapps is fully customizable without programming.

Moovapps is a unique platform centered within the company for employees, customers and suppliers to communicate.

SharePoint, offre une solution collaborative complète

• Business Process Management (finance, RH, IT…)
• Espace documentaire,
• Diffusion de contenu : Intranet/Extranet,

Complètement intégré à l’environnement Microsoft Office 365 et Dynamics CRM, AX, GP, NAV.

SharePoint est la boite à outil idéale pour développer des portails collaboratifs et des processus métiers